Monday, January 01, 2018

New Year, New Goals

So, it is now 2018. Feels a bit anti-climatic, but then as one gets older the changing of years kinda does.

Having said the above, I'm looking forward to what 2018 has to bring. And there is good stuff, writing wise, on the new 365 day horizon.

First one is not actually about writing; it's about art. In this case my new logo/icon. It was created for me by my son-in-law as a Christmas gift. You have probably noticed the change here on the blog. Here is the full size version.

The next is that on Hubpages, I ended the year with 9500 lifetime views of my essays. That is around double what I started the year with. So the coveted 10,000 should be achieved somewhere in January if my numbers hold where they have been. (I was hoping to hit it before the end of 2017, but am happy where it did end up.)

I have some articles that are ready to be send out into the world, and some publications lined up to send them to. Hoping to get something beyond rejection, wait-listed, or no response at all.

Last but most definitely not least, I will be finishing my short story collection editing and get that bad boy published. The line up looks good. Got a few pieces that need the first draft finished. Some finished first drafts have gotten good feedback from first readers. I'm at about 21,000 words at the moment. So the work is moving along.

So, for the moment, may you have a Happy New Year, and I'll be typing at you again soon.